Hey guys! :))
Regarding when the Heritage Day Collab will be released, I wanted to get it done by Day of Reconciliation (Monday), but I’m gonna have to push it back (probably early Jan), for two reasons, the latter a causation of the prior:
1: I’m on holiday in Mauritius
2: I was a complete retard and forgot I was going to a different country with a different plug outlet, so I can’t charge my computer.
Sorry about that folk! See u then :))
Also, if you missed the deadline, don’t worry!, I’m very flexible, I’d love for you to take part :]
I'll be honest, I didn't expect this. But hey, everything's fine, maybe there will be more people and the collaboration will be more fun.
Sorry :/ The main issue is I had to learn JS and Adobe Animate from scratch, but I'm nearly done with the collab :)) Next year (I'm making this a yearly thing) will be better dw